Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Gaming Log

One of my second passions is gaming. So I thought I would, stick a couple of posts about my gaming experiences. As a keen Xbox 360 player, I dabble in Call Of Duty, Muck around in Minecraft and Fail at FIFA. However, despite being rubbish at every game I play, I thought I would share with you some of my gamin experiences.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

To be honest, I've lost a lot of interest in the more recent call of duty games, like Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops. In fact, because I didn't like Black Ops at all, I didn't even buy MW3 (however I have played it, and It isn't awful, but neither is it amazing.) So I have ended up back on the Game that made the series the best in the World; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I'm not the best at it and I rage a lot, but overall I enjoy playing it. A fairly solid 1.30 Kill/Death Ratio is enough to keep me on my toes, and I appreciate the game a lot. I prefer the more simplistic Kill Streak method, which means I can have "UAV" and "AC130" on at the same time, rather than having to change tactics to get the larger kill streaks. I also prefer simple things that you might not notice when playing the other games, such as the colour schemes. Black Ops was very brown and yellowy, which, I don't know why, I didn't like. But MW2 seems more "real life" colours, its not like there is a filter on the camera lens. Another thing is the sound and feel of the guns. If a gun feels like your shaking a child's maraca then it doesn't feel or sound like a gun. That is how Black Ops, and World at War, both felt. Whereas the sounds and vibration of the MW2 guns means it feels much more real and natural.

A Nuclear Challenge

Enough of explaining why I play COD 6, and onto what I have been up to recently. Well, as an average player, I am not big with high kill streaks. if I manage to get an AC130 or a Chopper Gunner, im usually very happy, and having a good game. So my good friend, and fellow Xbox addict, Luke challenged me to get a Nuke (25 Kill streak). Obviously being competitive meant I accepted and went off with the classic "7 - Harrier,  11 -AC130, 25 - Nuke" Kill Streaks. The first challenge for a rubbish player like me was to get the seven needed for Harriers, and almost immediately I was struggling. I got it a couple of times, and was killed instantly. Then one quick hop in an AC130 on Carnival, only to kill myself and one enemy trying to find me.  But then the game came. Ground War, Domination on Terminal, I knew I could do it, I equip scavenger, so I don't run out of Ammo, and I stick on the TAR-21 FMJ, the most powerful choice I had unlocked in my current Prestige.
I start the game slowly, capturing a flag or two and picking off a few guys. Meanwhile, good friend Luke is hammering the kills home, acquiring Harriers, then a Pave Low. But as his kill streak ends, he has to go and leaves the game. the stage is set. I manage to scramble to the back of the plane, to hide behind the thick cover that is the plane seats. I claymore the steps and inside the plane I manage a 5 kill streak, but the guys keep coming back. So I hop down the steps as they try and shoot though the walls, I manage to shotgun 2 guys together with the M1014 (only a 4 round gun, not bad on a core game-mode) Harriers! I call them in, One with the air strike and another with the air support, then another, and another.
Lettering fills my screen "11 Kill Streak - AC130" I find a safe place to lie while I call in the Ass Clapper 130 and I begin, firing each shell down on the red squares below. But after only 9 kills, I get taken down and Im left to get the last five with my gun. I stay at the back area of the plane, picking people off on both sides. 22 Kills, 23.... 24. Suddenly the game timer begins, and I know I've got to move out. The spawns have changed and I only have 20 seconds to get a kill and call it in. I run frantically, A couple of assists as my team-mates get the final bullet. I get to the shop, I see the guy, I aim at his head.....
But I'm dead. Shot-Gunned from behind, before I have time to respawn, the game is over. I have failed. Oh Well, what did I expect? shaking with adrenaline in my desk chair. 

Some People get Nukes once every few games, and to them I say very well done, but I'm not very good. So a 24 Kill streak is pretty good for me, having only got Nuke on one other occasion.

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Thank you from everyone at the Obsidian Corp

James "Womble" Richardson

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